Tag: Lautsprecher

Just In: The JBL 4349 From Northridge, California

Here in Berlin-Kreuzberg, the goods usually come in like hotcakes. However, we at the blog usually only get half of it. Instead, we're told which new devices and innovations in entertainment technology are currently being discussed. To counteract this and to bring the worlds of HiFi I'm Hinterhof closer together — and, above all, to give you our customers a little insight — we have documented the first opening of the JBL 4349 in today's article.

The Most Important Dirac Live Know-Hows

Difficulties can arise time and again with tuning the Dirac Live. To prevent this, we briefly summarize the essentials so you can enjoy your music to the fullest. We sum up the most elevant settings, and common sources of error. It's just an overview from us, as the program includes further details than we don't cover in our explainer.