Like every year, you could enjoy various demonstrations of hi-fi systems, loudspeakers and headphones in our premises. But also television sets, soundbars and the theme of home cinema were the focus. The individual program points had already been broken down in our announcement. Now time to review the evening!
Regardless of whether it is the Lange Nacht der Ohren or not: Streaming is a topic that involves many questions. That’s why we presented the multiroom and streaming systems from SONOS, Denon HEOS and BlueSound. Our guests had the opportunity to compare the different devices, because ultimately, we wanted to find out what is the best personal solution for every body. We’ve also created an overview video for you.
Thijs Helwegen and Joachim Thiel presented the Niagara 1000 and Niagara 7000 devices from AudioQuest. Even if the power supply of your HiFi system seems to be a simple thing at first sight, though this is a topic that points us to differences as well. The stream is filtered by first flowing into one of the Niagara units. This results in a clean current signal, which in turn leads to a better sound.
The audio kit included the following components:
AudioQuest Niagara 1000 and Niagara 7000
Accuphase E-370
Marcel Müller presented various products from Cambridge Audio and inspired us with his relaxed and pleasant manner.
The audio kit included the following components:
Cambridge Audio Azur 851A, Azur 851C, CX N alongside CX A60
Monitor Audio Gold 200
We were especially pleased that we were able to welcome Stefan Rodau and Olaf Steinert from MusicLine again. The space in which his demonstration of the Naim audio devices was to be listened to, was constantly visited. We have also recently published a report on this manufacturer.
The audio kit included the following components:
Naim Audio NAC-N 272 alongside NAP 200 DR
Harbeth Super HL5 Plus
The All-in-One Streamer Encore 255 or Encore Connect by Musical Fidelity was presented by Jürgen Reichmann, who is responsible for the German distribution. He presented what the complete system has to offer, which you can read in our article about this multifunction device.
The audio kit included the following components:
Musical Fidelity Encore 255 or Encore Connect in conjunction with the M8 500S
Triangle Signature Alpha
In our headphones studios you could of course get an impression of our wide range of different headphones and test them at will. In addition to headphones and our mobile players, the new Focal models were a special highlight. We have already been able to hear them at CanJam Europe and we are delighted to offer them as an integral part of our assortment. The streaming products from Auralic were presented by Christian Rechenbach.
The NightOwl Carbon headphones from AudioQuest were another highlight.
Something hidden in our cozy garden studio, Raphael Vogt presented the HDR projectors technology very vivid, with a lot of humor and easy to understand. Regardless of whether Heimkino is a topic that is of personal interest to you, it was very exciting to see how the technology in this area is advancing.
There was already a huge crowd in front of the 800 Diamond D3 of Bowers & Wilkins. You had to wait a moment longer, until you could hear the loudspeakers in their full sound quality, but that was worth it. The colleagues have presented a varied mix of different songs. One or the other was animated despite the dreary weather and the reference model from Bowers & Wilkins presented at its best.
The audio kit included the following components:
Bowers & Wilkins 800 Diamond D3
Auralic Aries Femto
Mark Levinson No. 585
IsoTek EVO3 Aquarius
Although the auditory perception has a clear priority in the Lange Nacht der Ohren, our TV team prepared a comprehensive overview of the latest OLED technology, the LG 65E6D in conjunction with the Spectral Soundbar VRA2 and the Loewe bild 7 in conjunction with the Dimension Soundbar by Focal
Another thought to the end: in the ideal case, we are all lovers of sounds and sounds, of music and melodies. Ultimately, at HiFi im Hinterhof, we are looking for electronics with you to play your favorite songs.
We hope that we have been able to give you a comprehensive insight into this year’s Lange Nacht der Ohren and would like to thank you all for the evening together. If you have any suggestions, we have an open ear for you and look forward to welcoming you to our retail shop in Kreuzberg.