Month: May 2015

LG 4K OLED TV at Hifi im Hinterhof

27Taking a look at the development of the TV market in recent years, you'll quickly discover that all the big names in the industry have done some flirting with the OLED technology and are eventually tiring of the old, tried and tested combination of LCD display and LED backlight. The breaking-exception though is the Korean giant LG Electronics, which has always pursued the alternative panel technology and this time has made it hard for the skeptics with its 4K OLED models: 55EG9609, 65EG9609 and 77EC980V. We explain the specifics of OLED technology and take a look at the new LG TVs.

Our Television Studios: An Update

We thought that it time to give you an updated peek into our ever-expanding television showrooms with a few pictures. Enjoy browsing, or better yet, pay us a visit in Großbeerenstraße in Kreuzberg, Berlin!

Ultra HD Blu-ray Announced

After several leaks of semi-official information in recent months, the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) the speculation now put an end to speculation on the topic of the liscensing of an Ultra HD Blu-ray which is prospectively being released later this summer. Here are some of the already published details in a nutshell.

Moovia – Individual & Stylish Home Cinema Seats

The iconic deep-red, lush chairs at the cinema are just as inherent to the movie-goers experience as the trailers or the popcorn. So no wonder many home theatre owners are on the hunt for an equivalent for their own film paradise. This wish has been fulfilled by Moovia with its home theatre chairs now providing quality seating for the private movie theatre - not only in red.